
Carbon MEMS: Manufacturing Techniques and Biosensor Applications

Varun Penmatsa, Chunlei Wang - ISBN: 978-3-639-51925-9

Storytelling in Times of Violence

Hearing the Exorcism Stories in Zimbabwe and in Mark’s Community

Zorodzai Dube - ISBN: 978-3-639-51876-4

Shia Islamic Beliefs

Virtues Of Shia Beliefs In The Light Of Islamic Teachings

Qodratullah Qorbani - ISBN: 978-3-639-51909-9

On the Acquisition of French Argument Structure and SE-Cliticization

Explaining the L1 Acquisition of Reflexive, Reciprocal, Anticausative and Middle-Passive Constructions across Languages

Isabelle Barrière - ISBN: 978-3-639-51677-7

New Identity of the Kimberlite Melt

Constraints from Unaltered Diamondiferous Udachnaya-East Pipe Kimberlite, Siberia, Russia

Maya Kamenetsky - ISBN: 978-3-639-51839-9

Student Conjectures in Geometry

An Investigation of Student Conjectures in Static and Dynamic Geometry Environments

John Gillis - ISBN: 978-3-639-51874-0