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According to Denis Diderot, the purpose of encyclopedia is to collect and systematize all available knowledge circulating around the world, and convey/transfer it from one group to another, from one society to another, from ancestors to descendants, in order to make it accessible and useful nowadays and for future generations.

The word ‘encylopaedia’ comes from Koine Greec, meaning ‘complete knowledge’. Encyclopedias are known from ancient times. The oldest encyclopedia still in existence, Naturalis Historia, was written in ca. AD 77 by Pliny the Elder. The most popular/famous and oldest English-language encyclopaedia is Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Encyclopedia in its modern form was developed from the dictionary in XVIII century. The dictionary, which is quite different in structure, gives us only a short explanation of a word, event or term, whereas encyclopedia provides us with more extensive meaning and deep knowledge of the subject.

Our society is constantly evolving and acquiring new knowledge – new developments, new discoveries and achievements. Because the rapid pace of changes, we are witnessing today a tremendous interest in new encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias are a great tool for sharing (and preserving) knowledge and information among scholars, nations and generations.

We offer our free publishing services to authors in various fields. If you have written a specialized reference work and you are interested in publishing it as a book, we would be glad to help you.