Credit Crisis

Magical Thinking, Irrationality and the Role of Inequality

Niccolo Caldararo - ISBN: 978-3-639-70729-8

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Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Its Research Applications to Northern European Bog Bodies

Guinevere Granite - ISBN: 978-3-639-70380-1

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Entrepreneurial Success in Federal Government Contracting

The Importance of Critical Success Factor Analysis to the Long-term Growth of Small Contractors

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History of Nurse Anesthesia Education

The Nebraska Experience as a Case Study

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Design of Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers

Some Issues in Structural and Tuning Parameters

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African Immigrants and HIV testing

A case Study of African-born Immigrants in Chicago

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Enterprise Systems Engineering

Definition. Classification Scheme. Process. Product Development Validation Approach

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Carving Up Beauty

An Examination of the Socio-Cultural Origins of the Feminine Beauty Ideal in Pre-Colonial Yorubaland

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