
Man goes through the most important and effective moments in the early years of his life, and it is during this time that his intellectual development takes place. Therefore, education is the determinant and basic pillar of human happiness and the source of social, cultural and economic changes and transformations among different societies, then without a doubt, more attention should be paid to it. It should be noted that it is more important in elementary school than university because intellectual growth is formed in this period so that it can progress in university. In different societies, it should be noted that the elementary course has a special place and it will be better to reach the next stages through this course. It is during this period that the child's personality is formed, and this formation and the secret of its success is in the hands of the one who walks this path with the child, and he is none other than the teacher. Atot Kent says: The development of humanity is more dependent on education and this education should be general education and not only cultivate intellect and thought, but also include all aspects of his development.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Zahra Bahadrolu
Semane Shakuri

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career