
Exploring Strategies in Advertising

Exploring Strategies in Advertising

Case Study: ‘Awareness Campaign on Café Roma’. A Professional Research and Realization сrafted for both Scholars and Entrepreneurs.

Gemstone Books ( 2018-11-09 )

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Our work comprised the following strategies: marketing strategy, communication strategy, creative strategy and a broadcasting strategy, through which we identified a communication problem faced by Café Roma. Even though the product has been in the market for two years, a majority of its target aren‟t aware of its existence. Following strictly and respecting the specifications, requirements and instructions on the advertiser‟s brief, we brought out proposals which if effectively followed, it will go a long way to increase Café ROMA‟s awareness. After scrupulous studies the marking problem dissimilated was: unavailability of the product in sales points. As for the communication problem, the product isn‟t known by the public although being in the market for two years. We therefore used our skills and competences obtained during the three years of training at ASMAC, that is; we conceived ad messages which we planned to broadcast via mass media and Outdoor media. To summarize our results, we carried out a market study and came up with a communication strategy, which was materialized using a creative strategy and finally broadcasted the message on the chosen media.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Jude Asanji

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