
E-Business in Emerging Markets

E-Business in Emerging Markets

a Zimbabwean Perspective

Gemstone Books ( 2020-07-17 )

€ 45,90

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E-Business is the next big thing in today's world of globalized markets. due to the advancement in technology, all businesses are now harnessing on technology in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. In today's world characterized by increased adoption of technological gadgets, all most every person especially in developed and advanced economies have access to internet. People are now spend most of their time on internet, especially for business, social networking and research and for other basic education purposes. Another area where internet is being utilized is online shopping and advertising of products and services via the internet. It is necessary for all businesses to be connected to the internet so that the cost of doing business is minimized. Internet has connected the world into one big global family, hence it has become easy accessing information for any particular business that has an online presence. So businesses must have websites, social media sites and connected to other global systems in order to be able to to transact easily with the rest of the world. Every business must adopt new technology or else may face extinction in the near future.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Wilbert Manyanga

Number of pages:


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