
Peter F. Drucker strongly believes if marketing aspect is neglected the country can not be developed. Substantial economic growth depends on a larger extent on marketing activities, for it is through marketing that demand for goods and services is stimulated which in turn leads to higher production. Production is important but not all that important. It must be backed with follow up action which is known as marketing. Products must not only be produced but they must be distributed and sold in order to fulfill the functional and end uses intended. The role of marketing in economic development is well recognized. It has been recognized that Tobacco is one of the principal commercial crops that is being marketed in the national and international markets. The number of farmers has been increasing the crop and area under tobacco since 1930. As a result the tobacco curing barns have also been established in large numbers, providing employment to skilled and unskilled workers particularly in rural areas. Further, Andhra Pradesh State has been the largest tobacco producing and marketing States in the country. The Central Tobacco Board was established in 1975 and is located at Guntur.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Chowturi Venkateswar Rao
M. Venkateswarlu

Number of pages:


Published on:



Advertisement, marketing