
The Phenomena of Female Homelessness

The Phenomena of Female Homelessness

Gemstone Books ( 2015-07-24 )

€ 54,90

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The Experience of Homeless Females: A Phenomenological Analysis helps to explain homelessness as experienced by women. Research was conducted by interviewing 10 currently homeless women with ages ranging from 40-50. Homeless women in this age range tend to fall through the cracks. During the interview process each female participant was asked 12 questions. The data found formed three themes: The Critical Event, Varying Degrees of Hope, and Assistance. The women were very candid regarding their experiences. Below is an excerpt from “Lilly”, “I could get out of here if I could find a job but no one is hiring me. If I have a job my son and I could live together. I could get back on my feet and show my son that I am a good mother and didn’t abandon him.” “Lilly” became homeless because of an abusive husband. Social Services took her son into custody, she hasn’t seen him in 2 years. The Experience of Homeless Females: A Phenomenological Analysis will surely provide you with an insight to the everyday life of a homeless woman. The stigma of the homeless population is one of negativity and abomination. Read this research study with an open mind and open heart.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Rachel Ellison

Number of pages:


Published on:



Research on Woman and gender