
Settlements along Transmission Pipelines:Hazards and Risks.

Settlements along Transmission Pipelines:Hazards and Risks.

Hazards and Risks of Transmission Pipelines on Settlements;(Case Study)Nigeria

Gemstone Books ( 2014-06-10 )

€ 44,90

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The book discusses the hazards and risks of settlements along the West African gas pipeline spanning from Itoki, Ogun state to Badagry in Lagos State. In order to solve this, Descriptive statistic and multivariate statistical method (factor analysis) were used to analysis the data. The results of the factor analysis showed 78.106 percent of total variance of seven principal factors with eigen values equals or greater than unity. Furthermore, the hypothesis tested using the t- test showed that computed t-scores (- 19.273) for pair one, (-52.134) for pair two and (-41.273) for pair three all exceeds the value of t indicated in the table. More so, the ranking of the hazards and risks identified along the pipeline right of way was done by the use of the risk assessment matrix (RAM). The ranking showed high risk on the settlers. The research recommends an aggressive public awareness campaign by the government and the oil and gas companies on the dangers of settling along the pipeline right of way. It also recommends enforcement of the existing oil and gas pipeline laws on adherence to the minimum set back from right of way before sitting structures.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ephraim Ikechukwu Elenwo

Number of pages:


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City-, area- and landscape planning