Difficulties in Attempting Cambridge English

Difficulties in Attempting Cambridge English

Non-Native Speakers

Gemstone Books ( 2022-11-08 )

€ 115,90

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The ELTL at any level has always been interesting and challenging. We cannot deny the fact that a learner without a reasonable, required level of command over the English language is perhaps facing severe challenges in fulfilling his/her career goals. It is a known fact that language holds a key position in the academic development of the entire curriculum in any field. It also substantiates that the teachers of English are more accountable to enable the learners to achieve their career goals in general and personal development in particular. The present study has endeavored to study the aspects of various aspects such as teaching practices, syllabus issues, attitudinal aspects of teachers and learners, potentialities and capabilities of teachers and learners, and association of socio, psycho, personal and linguistic factors on English language learning, interference of mother tongue on learning of a second language and so on. This study has attempted to identify the difficulties of both the teachers and learners in the process of their teaching and learning at the School level in general and the Primary level in particular and has succeeded in his/her attempts.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

R Vettriselvan
A Balakrishnan
M Sathya

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career