Management & Evaluation of Two way - Two Lane Highway

Management & Evaluation of Two way - Two Lane Highway

A Case Study of Jordan's Highway, Using HCM 2010

Gemstone Books ( 2021-10-11 )

€ 79,90

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The network of the two lane two way highway in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan needs a quick and sever improvement and treatment, in the past few decades the growth of the numbers of vehicles has led to the decrease in the level of service and the quality performance on the two lane highway.Roads and highways are a major part of the transportation infrastructure in Jordan and play a substantial role in the local economy and community development. High quality of service of these facilities is essential to ensure safe, cost effective and daily traffic operations. There is a rapid growth in population of Jordan which led to increase of demand in each and every aspect of our lives; therefore the increase of demand is directly proportional to increase of the usage of vehicles and the highway capacity.Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) is the pioneer in management and evaluation for capacity and quality of service of various highway facilities including freeways, highways, arterial roads, roundabouts, signalized and un-signalized intersections, urban highways, and the effects of mass transit, pedestrians, and bicycles on the performance of these systems.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Mosab Nasser
Ali Al-Shamayleh

Number of pages:


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