Effect Of Laura Mitchell’s Relaxation Versus Physiotherapy Exercise

Effect Of Laura Mitchell’s Relaxation Versus Physiotherapy Exercise

For Primary Dysmenorhea In College Going Students And Correlation Of CoreStrength With Dysmenorrhea.

Gemstone Books ( 2020-07-10 )

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Dysmenorrhea is defined as difficult menstrual flow or painful menstruation. It is one of the most common gynecologic complaints in young women who present to clinicians. Optimal management of this symptom depends on an understanding of the underlying cause. Dysmenorrhea can be divided into 2 broad categories: primary (spasmodic) and secondary (congestive). Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as menstrual pain that is not associated withmacroscopic pelvic pathology (i.e., occurs in the absence of pelvic disease). It typicallyoccurs in the first few years after menarche and affects as many as 50% of post pubertalfemales. Secondary dysmenorrhea is defined as menstrual pain resulting from anatomicor macroscopic pelvic pathology, as is seen in women with endometriosis or chronicpelvic inflammatory disease. It is most often observed in women aged 30-45 years. This study shows the effectiveness of Laura Mitchell relaxation technique andphysiotherapy techniques in improving pain due to dysmenorrhoea and also howthe coremuscle weakness is related to pain due to primary dysmenorrhoea.

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By (author) :

Dr.Nensi Vaibhav Gandhi

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Specialized Medical occupations