Business Demography and Environmental Studies

Business Demography and Environmental Studies

Demography, Environment and Business

Gemstone Books ( 2020-03-24 )

€ 59,90

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Demography is the ‘Scientific or statistical study of Human population concerning their size in a population, distribution and structure’. The book contains five units having with most of basic concepts of demography related to business. Unit- I: Introduction of Demography: Meaning, Definition, Need, Scope & Importance of Demography, Components of demography and its measures., Factors affecting fertility and mortality. Unit -II: Distribution of Population and Population Growth: Meaning, Physical and cultural factors affecting the distribution of population, Concepts of over, optimum and under population; Methods of calculation, Population growth in India since 1901. Unit- III: Population as Resource: Meaning of resource, types of resources, its importance to business, Concept of Literacy, Concept of Age & sex; Age & Sex Pyramid, Types, Classification of population-Urban and rural population, Population below poverty line, working, and dependent Population. Unit-IV: Urbanization: Meaning, definitions of urbanization, factors responsible for urbanization and problems of urbanization, Unit-V: Environment and Environmental Issues Related to Business and industrialization and pollution.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

T. Chandra Sekarayya

Number of pages:


Published on:



Business management