The present study is an outcome of a number of experiences and incidents being reported both in print as well as in visual media regarding gender discrimination at the workplace including harassment and various other perceptions about the modern day corporate houses. With gradual evolution of the employment sector, people from all fields of the society have come to work together thus breaking down the age old barriers of religion, race, caste, nationality or gender. Efforts were directed to provide them with an equal chance to prosper and grow for the betterment of all. Employee dissatisfaction is harmful both for the corporate house as well as the society at large and hence it becomes a social responsibility for all concerned to see that no bias exists at the workplace. On one hand, the Constitution, the labour laws and various acts were made to enforce equality and on the other, efforts were made by the companies to prevent any form of discrimination at the workplace. This study aims to examine the state of gender equality prevailing in the corporate houses in Third World Countries through survey on a representative sample in Kolkata.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Kushal De

Number of pages:


Published on:



Business management