The book aims to quaint the readers to the modern conception of the word ‘others’. Who are the others in English travelers’ views and on what base the easterners were classified as ‘others’? Doubtless then that those ‘others’ were inferior to the westerners, those others were stagnated in their own places since Abel and Cain according to the Victorian travelers. The readers will find their quests reading about the twentieth century literary colonization through hundreds of novels written on Africa and Asia. The people colonized are categorized as ‘others.’ The reader may go deeper into comparative literature to be aware of the concept of the tragic hero between two prominent English writers- W. Shakespeare and T. Hardy, between whom the tragic hero has shown different ability conflicting with fate as an irresistible power responsible for the hero’s tragic end, and the hero who proved responsible for his own downfall as a maker of his fate. The readers feel jubilant turning over the pages of this book to become aware of the motives that pushed the European travelers to make to the east.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Jamil Al-Asmar

Number of pages:


Published on:



Language and literature science