Research for Winners

Research for Winners

Excellence, Growth and Endurance

Gemstone Books ( 2023-03-31 )

€ 109,90

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It is a requirement of most universities that all Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degree students undertake an individual student dissertation research on a relevant and approved topic after successful completion of the taught course component. Such a research study is expected to culminate into a dissertation report which is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the respective degree. It is a requirement of life that managers and employees conduct research to yield solutions to the myriad of problems they encounter in their jobs. To ensure consistency and uniformity (i.e., standardization) in this very important academic exercise, a comprehensive manual to be used by both students and their supervisors and the examiners becomes imperative. Much of the information in this handbook is based on the template from the Centre for Lifelong Education of the Copperbelt University and other sources which were deemed to be relevant to its production.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Biemba Maliti

Number of pages:


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Methods of the empirical and qualitative social research