Psychosocial Problems of Dual Career Women

Psychosocial Problems of Dual Career Women

A Comparative Study of Different Occupations

Gemstone Books ( 2015-04-27 )

€ 99,90

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The research empirically investigates how sector and occupation type affect organizational role stress, dyadic adjustment, dual career family characteristics and sense of control perception of dual career women. In the present study, data was collected from married career women employed in teaching, banking and administrative jobs. With a sample size of 600 the research study used 4 survey instruments, namely Organizational Role Stress Scale, Loco Inventory, Dyadic Adjustment Scale and Dual career Family Scale. Results indicate that both sector-wise and occupational differences exist between dual career women and their perception of work arena. Women in private sector report less stress, better dyadic adjustment, better Self image and career line along with high perceived control. For banking sector, women in public banks report more resource inadequacy whereas those in private banks report role overload. The implication of the study was to create an awareness of women’s family and career priorities that will help HRD practitioners to design policies and programs supporting their career planning opportunities and effective for retention of competent female workforce.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Shamima Haque

Number of pages:


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Business management