Measurement of Human Development with Reference to Education & Gender

Measurement of Human Development with Reference to Education & Gender

Concepts, Methodologies, Mesurements and Policy options

Gemstone Books ( 2014-06-17 )

€ 94,90

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Human Development, the new perception of economic development, introduces the formation of human capability as well as the use of the acquired capabilities. Disaggregated Measurement of Human Development is crucial with respect to domestic policy formulation. Measuring economic development is very difficult and a socio-economic composite measure is long felt want of the concerned think-tanks. The Human Development Index (HDI) of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) provides the best solution. HDI, its componential indices (longevity, education and income index) and Gender- Related Development Index (GDI), gender disparity adjusted index, are measured by UNDP. Education for All Development Index (EDI) is estimated by UNESCO. All these estimations are made at national level. This research work has estimated these indices at national and disaggregated level in Bangladesh. The disaggregated results show considerable disparities among the estimated units. This book is for under graduate and at master’s level student of social science and business administration. Advanced learners, researchers and policy makers in economics and education are the targeted group of this book.

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By (author) :

Md. Maynul Hoque Anshary

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