Studies on some factors affecting the quality of salted anchovy‏

Studies on some factors affecting the quality of salted anchovy‏

Anchovies as Semi-preserved salted fish

Gemstone Books ( 2014-05-06 )

€ 67,90

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Ripened semi-preserved anchovies are prepared from fish of the Engraulis encrasicholus (L) species by a process of salting and ripening. This process goes back to ancient times and it is a common traditional in some Mediterranean countries. This study was carried out to compare the rates of spoilage and keeping quality of the ripened salted anchovies packed as a whole fish in salt and fillets in olive oil during shelf life period “marketing” at different storage temperatures of (8+2oC and 22+5oC). The shelf life of such product is limited since, the enzymatic activity is not suppressed when the ripening process is completed but continues during marketing. It is therefore necessary; recommended to store this product at refrigeration temperature and under such conditions the products keep very well. Since, at the elevated temperature, the proteolytic enzymes may breakdown the anchovy flesh specially anchovies preserved in oil to the point of liquefaction. Besides may increase of histamine production and accumulation.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Awad Mahmoud
Mostafa Kamal Mostafa
Jose Juan Rodriguez Jerez

Number of pages:


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Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition