Political Economy of Economic Development in Rajasthan

Political Economy of Economic Development in Rajasthan

A Comprehensive Empirical Analysis

Gemstone Books ( 2014-07-03 )

€ 94,90

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Economic development is a multifactorial and multidimensional phenomenon of economics covering both economic & non-economic factors of society like the leader’s personality, leadership quality and philosophy in shaping the course of state’s economic development. Political party in power provides the vision and program via its election manifesto, implementation which depends largely on the willingness and effectiveness of the political party in power and the personality of the leader. Political Economy of Development exposes the intertwined topics covering the issues and shows how political relations can play a key role in defining the development prospects of a region apart from the general economic considerations attached to development or under development of a region like, Rajasthan which started journey in 1951 from a poor to prosperous state. The book has given ball-by-ball description of as to how the political factors played a vital role in shaping the course of economic development of Rajasthan by choosing appropriate policies & programs & implemented them effectively. The CAGR model used for comparative analysis using three main &68 sub indicators under different regimes.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Shilpi Gupta

Number of pages:


Published on:



Politics and economics