Science, Research and Higher Education in the Knowledge-Based World

Science, Research and Higher Education in the Knowledge-Based World

Knowledge Triangle in Civilized World

Gemstone Books ( 2015-04-10 )

€ 80,90

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Civilized countries stand in the background: their leaders decided to stake the future on science and technology, in which their countries have generally excelled. Knowledge would thus secure the future of developed world through the creation of a knowledge-based society rooted in higher education, innovation and research (Knowledge Triangle). The 2020s inevitably will see an intensified interest in these areas on the part of national and regional governments, higher education institutions and economic life across the world, in response to the pressing global challenges. This book is the creation of a monograph integrating state-of-the-art and trend of Knowledge Triangle the world over. It also serves as a detailed scholarly study, a contributor for the provision of the skills necessary for political, economic and social progress, then a reference book, where often a major aim is to professionalise the teacher training units. As a new teaching material meets lifelong learning aspect, placing the emphasis on self-study and serving as a knowledge source by reader-friendly information, helps familiarise decision-makers, administrators of the Knowledge Triangle and the laymen alike.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

László Szentirmai
László Radács

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education system